Nairobi hosts 20th East African Communications Congress

*Nairobi plays host to the 20th East African Communications Organisation
(EACO) Congress*

*Region’s decision making organ to deliberate on broadband connectivity for

*Nairobi, 24th June 2013…* Regional players in the information and
technology industry will for the next five days be hosted to a forum to
showcase respective country’s progress and areas of synergy in the ICT

Organized by the Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK), the forum-now in
its 20thsitting will showcase the socio-economic benefits that the sector
presents to the citizens in the East African region. The forum brings
together postal, telecommunications, broadcasters and ICT regulatory bodies
within the region to seek avenues for the harmonization of ICT policies and
regulatory frameworks.****

“This initiative is a commitment to positioning East Africa as a single
investment market and a catalyst to the realization of our region’s
ultimate goal of political and monetary integration, said Amb.Bruce
Madete-Ag. Permanent Secretary Ministry of ICT.****

This year’s forum seeks to create a resonance for Kenya’s position as an
ICT leader in the region while seeking to be a reference point in many
aspects. Themed *Making Broadband work for Socio-economic Growth in Africa*,
the forum also presents an opportunity to identify the challenges to
overcome in order to make broadband available to all in order to spur
growth in other facets of national development.****

“Technological progress and innovations have taken center stage as the long
term drivers of economic growth. This can be attributed to government
appreciation of developing policies and laws that will accelerate growth of
the ICT sector aligned to market demands, in the deployment of services
“,Said Francis Wangusi, Director CCK****

A key issue of deliberation by the forum shall be exploring ways to
address high mobile roaming charges where call costs across continent
(Kenya to the UK or Kenya to India) are cheaper compared to those between
Kenya and Burundi which negate the essence of integration and disincentives
regional communication and trade.****

There is also a great need to foster learning within the members, from
those that have pioneered important aspects of the economy that affect the
industry such as digital migration and fast-tracking the development of
national addressing systems. Which shall prepare the region’s capacity to
harness emerging business opportunities in e-commerce.****

Kenya is already implementing an addressing system for Nairobi is already
in place on a pilot basis with plans to replicate the same across the

“ICT led transformations start when we appreciate the capacity of
technology to shrink distance and inject efficiency in economic production,
governance and provision of social services as enablers of the region’s
socio-economic development for the improvement of livelihoods,” added Amb.
Bruce Madete.****

Deliberations from the EACO congress have been used by the respective
member countries and can be credited for motivating the Kenya government to
facilitate the construction of the East African Marine Cable –the first
fiber optic cable to connect the East African coast to the rest of the
world; prompting the private sector’s entry into the market.****

The region is now connected to four international fiber optic cables with
the number expected to increase as investors continuously display
tremendous interest in the international broadband connectivity.****

Availability of low-cost international broadband connectivity has
subsequently spurred intense activity in the development of national
broadband infrastructure prompting the respective countries to develop a
national broadband strategy aimed at ensuring that the region leverages on
this to spur economic growth through provision of e-government .****

“EACO is the driving force behind the region’s harmonization of industry
platforms. To remain relevant therefore, the task ahead is to challenge
regulators in the region to develop interconnection frameworks for postal
and telecommunication networks in order to ensure that the region enjoys
seamless connectivity” Added Mr. Wangusi****

Currently Kenya’s mobile phone boasts of a 78% penetration rate;
representing over 30 Million subscribers and still growing thanks to high
data usage and adoption of ICT in business and social communication further
boosting Internet subscription to 9.4Million.****

This trend has equally facilitated business innovations and news services
especially in the postal and courier sub-sector.****

The discussions will culminate in the congress,EACO’s highest decision
making organ on Friday.