*Africa ‘let down’ by Busan aid agreement says charity ActionAid***
*01.12.11: *Africa’s priorities were sidelined in a ‘global partnership’
launched today at the fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, in
Busan, says anti-poverty agency ActionAid. ****
Donors did not agree a target for ending ‘tied aid’ – the practice where
donor governments force countries to spend aid on their goods and services
and also failed to agree a deadline to put aid through countries’ own
systems. Women’s rights were also not prioritized. ****
Lucia Fry, Aid Policy Advisor at ActionAid said*: “An eleventh hour effort
brought China to the table but with serious strings attached. The new
agreement is voluntary and non-binding for new donors and has ultimately
sacrificed the interests of aid-dependent countries.”*
The charity called for a global agreement on aid to put poor country
governments in the driving seat of development. This is what ActionAid
calls ‘Real Aid’.****
Fry continued:* “The impact of Busan on securing more ‘real aid’ is
negligible and will disappoint all those who believe in using aid to end
aid dependency. What happens in the next six months is crucial. If all
parties involved can agree to monitor and report back on key issues like
tied aid between now and 2015, something may at least be salvaged from this
missed opportunity.”*
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For more information or interviews with Lucia Fry in Busan please contact
Asha Tharoor on + 44 (0)20 3122 0614 or + 44 (0)7912 387396
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The following international spokespeople are available to comment:****
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*Lucia Fry*, Aid Policy Advisor: Leading ActionAid UK’s policy and advocacy
work on Real Aid 3, Ending Aid Dependency, able to talk on aid
effectiveness and ending aid dependency.****
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*Bimal Phnuyal*, Country Director ActionAid Nepal: Supported AA’s Real Aid
research on Nepal’s aid policy and drive to end aid dependency and a member
of the Nepal Civil Society Aid Effectiveness Forum, which aims to be a
citizen voice on aid issues in the country.****
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*Luca De Fraia*, Deputy Secretary-General, ActionAid Italy: Senior aid
advocate within AA, he can speak on aid and agriculture, and aid
fragmentation and architecture.****
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*Iacopo Viciani*, Policy Officer, ActionAid Italy: Is in Busan with the
official Italian delegation, can also speak on aid and agriculture and on
aid effectiveness generally.****
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*Notes to editors:*
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**1. **A copy of the full Real Aid 3 report can be found here:
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*Sekela Kyomo*
Communications Manager****
ActionAid Tanzania ****
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Tel: +255 22 2700596/2700699 ****
Mobile: +255 755 789 999****
Skype: sekela.kyomo ****
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sekela.kyomo@actionaid.org ****
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*End poverty. Together.*
* *
*ActionAid is an international anti-poverty*
*agency working in over 40 countries, taking *
*sides with poor people to end poverty and *
*injustice together.*
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