BERLIN, Germany. 21 January, 2013 – Today, AGCO, a global leader in farm
machinery manufacture, joins the Partners Group of the African Green
Revolution Forum (AGRF) ahead of the AGRF in September 2014.
AGCO joins with the Alliance for the Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA),
Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU), African
Union (AU), African Development Bank (AfDB), Rockefeller Foundation,
Syngenta, Yara International, ACP Group, International Fund for
Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the United Nations Food and
Agricultural Organisation (FAO).
“We are pleased to be part of the AGRF. The AGRF is the leading platform
for farmers associations, African Governments, agri-business companies,
NGOs, research institutes and multi-lateral institutions to engage in
meaningful ways through dialogue, business deals and partnerships to
transform African agriculture,” said Martin Richenhagen, Chairman,
President and Chief Executive Officer of AGCO. The announcement was made in
the climax session of the third AGCO Africa Summit.
“AGCO is joining the AGRF Partners’ Group at a very significant point in
time. 2014 is a very big year for African agriculture. African Governments,
agri-businesses, NGOs and farmers associations will embark on dialogues
that will frame the future of agriculture for the next decade” said Jane
Karuku, AGRA President.
Through its support, AGCO will enable African Governments, multilateral
agencies, farmer associations, NGOs, research institutes, and
agribusinesses to meet and find collaborative ways to meet food security,
transform African agriculture and productivity of smallholder farmers.
“We greatly look forward to partnering with AGCO, the African Union, and
the other nine AGRF partners for a most impactful AGRF, which will take
place between September 2 and 4 at the new AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia,” said Irungu Houghton, AGRF 2014 Convenor. “This year’s AGRF
refreshes the ten year old Maputo Declaration where African Heads of State
historically pledged to devote 10% of their national budgets to improve
their nations’ agricultural productivity and food security. We will take
stock and agree collaborative steps to accelerate the next decade of
actions by Governments and non-state actors.”