Crucial African body appoints Tanzanian a board member

*Dar es Salaam, Sunday 25th August 2013:* One of the senior most legal
consultants in Tanzania, Dr Eve Hawa Sinare has been appointed as a member
of the Management Board of Tunisia based African Legal Support Facility

The facility, which is hosted by the Africa Development Bank (AfDB),
assists African governments in the negotiation of complex commercial
transactions among other things. Tanzania and Kenya recently applied for
assistance for negotiating better contracts in the natural resources
sector, according to ALSF Chief Executive and Director Mr Stephen Karangizi.

Dr. Sinare appointment takes effect from 1st of July 2013 for three years. Only
in July 2011 she was also appointed a board member of the international
Board of the World Services Group (WSG) based in Texas USA, where she
represents Africa and Middle East Region. Last year she was also appointed
board member of the AMREF International Board which deals with women and
children health programs in rural Africa. AMREF is active in all countries
South of the Sahara except about 8.The board appointments don’t require
long stays in USA, Nairobi or Tunisia respectively.

One of the leading corporate consultants and advocates in Tanzania, Dr.
Sinare is an acknowledged specialist in banking, large corporate and
project financial transactions the financing of which is mostly
syndicated,and corporate and sovereign bonds all of which require
complex contractual drafting and transactional structuring. She has
competitive experience in commercial arbitration and M&A transactions. Her
corporate law practice experience is in excess of 16 years if one excludes
her 10 years’ experience at COMESA.

ALSF board is made up of some of the best legal experts in the continent
in commercial transactions and litigation.

ALSF was established in 2008 by the Africa Development Bank (AfDB)
following calls from African Finance Ministers and from the Group Eight
(G8) to support African countries in developing capacity to deal with
vulture fund litigation and complex commercial transactions. Currently 42
member countries and 4 international organizations are members. Membership
is open to all sovereign nations. Tanzania is a member.

ALSF grants or advances funds to African countries for legal advice from
top legal counsels in the areas debt management and litigation, natural
resources and extractive industries management and contracting, investment
agreements and concession agreements and other related complex commercial

*DrSinare’s bio*

Dr Eve Hawa Sinare is a Consultant (retired partner) of Rex Attorneys, one
of the largest corporate law firms in Tanzania. For over 13 years she has
represented some of the largest local, regional and international banks and
financial institutions in projects or corporate syndicated lending in
Tanzania in various sectors, M&A transactions, commercial arbitration,
corporate restructuring, legislative and regulatory review, capital
markets, private bond placements, asset and share sales, corporate and
sovereign bonds. Prior to practicing she was PPSRC’s senior legal adviser
for privatization of public corporations, and before that she was director
of legal and institutional affairs of the Common Market for Eastern and
Southern Africa, and before that Dr Eve was an assistant law lecturer at
the University of Dar es Salaam.

A graduate of the University of Dar es Salaam (LLB and LLM) and the
University of Konstanz, Germany (LLD in international economic law –
investment, trade and finance), she is a member of three professional
bodies, the East African Law Society, the Tanganyika Law Society and the
Tanzania Women Lawyers Association. Dr Sinare also sits in several boards
in the county.
