Africa Must Become Self-Sufficient Says Zuma

Cape Town, South Africa, 9 May 2013 – The fact that South Africa
hosted the recent BRICS summit is an indication of how much Africa has
changed, Jacob G. Zuma, President of South Africa, told the opening
plenary of the World Economic Forum on Africa. With the support of the
Government of South Africa, the meeting opened today in Cape Town,
South Africa. Over 1,000 participants from more than 80 countries are
taking part. Under the theme Delivering on Africa’s Promise, the
meeting’s agenda will integrate three pillars: Accelerating Economic
Diversification; Boosting Strategic Infrastructure; and Unlocking
Africa’s Talent.

South Africa’s membership in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China
and South Africa) represents an important turning point for Africa as
a whole in terms of economic activity and the continent’s connectivity
to the global community, Zuma said. Its hosting of the event on
African soil and the participation of African leaders provided an
opportunity for the continent to have a united voice on issues it
wants to prioritize, such as regional integration and infrastructure.

“The representation by Africa’s leaders indicates that Africa’s
attitude towards itself and its attitude towards the rest of the world
have changed. We would like to see an Africa that is self-sufficient
in every way, and that is possible,” said Zuma.

Nkosazana Clarice Dlamini-Zuma, Chairperson, African Union Commission,
Addis Ababa, said the African Union, which celebrates 50 years this
month, is working towards building a prosperous continent by
identifying and investing in the continent’s assets, primarily its

In the next 50 years, she said, Africa should be “a prosperous
continent at peace with itself”. She cautioned that Africa’s
development is not just the business of governments, but also the
responsibility of its citizens.

Donald Kaberuka, President, African Development Bank (AfDB), Tunis,
said that African countries could learn a lot about development from
BRICS countries given how they have overcome their own challenges in
this regard. He identified Africa’s key challenges as politics, the
effects of the global economy and infrastructure deficits on the
continent. He said Africa needs to start funding its own development
and reduce its reliance on foreign aid through increasing savings and
leveraging partnerships with organizations such as the proposed BRICS
bank. “We can transform the continent within a generation,” he added.

David A. Lipton, First Deputy Managing Director, International
Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington DC, said the robust growth Africa is
currently experiencing is expected to continue. However, he urged
countries to turn their rich resources into productive assets.

The Co-Chairs of the World Economic Forum on Africa are Frans van
Houten, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of
Management and the Executive Committee, Royal Philips Electronics,
Netherland; Mo Ibrahim, Chairman, Mo Ibrahim Foundation, United
Kingdom; Mustafa Vehbi Koç, Chairman of the Board, Koç Holding,
Turkey; Frannie Léautier, Executive Secretary, The African Capacity
Building Foundation, Zimbabwe; and Arif M. Naqvi, Founder and Group
Chief Executive, Abraaj Group, United Arab Emirates.