GENEVA: A United Nations report launched today spotlights the need to address
unequal water access in Europe, stressing that certain populations
such as rural communities and marginalized groups are still not
getting this vital resource.
The report, which was produced by the UN Economic Commission for
Europe (UNECE), provides guidance on how to address water access
disparities, and showcases successful policies that have been
implemented by governments, water operators and civil society.
“No one left behind: Good practices to ensure equitable access to
water and sanitation” notes that access to improved water and
sanitation solutions in rural areas in the pan-European region is 10
per cent lower than for urban areas, and suggests putting investment
programmes in place to help reduce this gap.
In addition, the report underscores that social inclusion policies are
needed to be able to provide water access to marginalized and
vulnerable groups such as the homeless, disabled, sick, or those
living in unsanitary housing, who are often unable to get access to
safe drinking water.
Increasing water prices are also singled out as a key factor for
unequal water access in European Union countries, with the report
highlighting how tariffs and social protection measures can help
consumers cover the costs.
UNECE Deputy Executive Secretary Andrey Vasilyev, who presented the
report at the World Water Forum in Marseille, underlined that
“political will and strong water governance” are needed to tackle
these disparities.
Last week, the UN announced that the goal of reducing by half the
number of people without access to safe drinking water was achieved,
ahead of the 2015 deadline for reaching the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs), the globally agreed development targets aimed at ridding
the world of extreme poverty, hunger and preventable diseases.
However, the target for sanitation has not been met, and nearly one
billion people still lack access to safe drinking water.