From Tanzania is once again by the country that
receives most development assistance from Denmark, according to the
recently published Danida Annual Report. In 2010 Tanzania received
more than $140 Million from Denmark.
DAR ES SALAAM: For the third year in a row, Tanzania is the country in
the world that receives the most assistance from Denmark. This was
revealed when the Annual Report of Danida, Danish International
Development Assistance was recently published.
According to the Danish Ambassador to Tanzania, his Excellency Bjarne
H. Sorensen, Tanzania receives support due to the country’s need and
“We are involved in Tanzania because we believe that we are making a
difference. We have a longstanding involvement in Tanzania, we have
good partners here and we are seeing progress and economic growth” the
Danish Ambassador said.
The countries that received the most after Tanzania were Ghana and Mozambique.
Danida assistance to Tanzania in 2010 was a total of $140 Million up
from $110 Million in 2009. In 2008 support made up $119 Million. The
largest sectors are Health, Infrastructure, Private Sector and General
Budget Support. In Health the biggest priorities are maternal and
child health, and the fight against malaria, HIV/AIDS and
tuberculoses. These issues follow the 2015 Millennium Development
Goals that 192 countries agreed to in the year 2000.
It is a priority for the Government of Denmark to support sustainable
and broad based economic growth in developing countries. Job creation
should serve as the link between growth and poverty reduction. Large
amounts have been given to improve the infrastructure of Tanzania and
to make it easier to do business in Tanzania. This includes getting
better access to finance, supporting entrepreneurship, removing
bureaucracy and making it easier to trade across borders in East
Around $20 Million were given to Tanzania’s budget last year to help
finance the national strategy on poverty, the MKUKUKTA and to help
assure financial stability. 20% of support to the budget, around $4
Million was given as a bonus.
Development results in Tanzania:
Some results have been achieved in the Health sector, as maternal
mortality has dropped 20% since 2005. The drop is from 578 deaths per
100.000 in 2005 to 454 per 100.000 in 2010. Danish support has among
other things contributed to purchases and transport of medicine and
equipment. Since the year 2000, the portion of poor Tanzanians has
dropped, as has the number of malnourished children below the age of
5. More kids now live beyond their 5. year. The percentage of the
population with AIDS is shrinking, due to better prevention,
diagnostics and treatment. Births attended by skilled health personal
has gone up from 35,8% to 63%.