MSMEs Vital in Transforming Africa’s Food Systems: Report Highlights

By Edson Baraukwa | Africa Guardian

The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) has released its 2024 Africa Agriculture Status Report, titled “Harnessing the Private Sector for Food Systems Transformation in Africa.” The report examines the crucial role that micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) play in reshaping food systems across the continent.

Created in partnership with diverse stakeholders, the report delves into the contributions of MSMEs to Africa’s agricultural and economic development. Dr. Agnes Kalibata, AGRA’s President, noted, “The Africa Agriculture Status Report 2024 highlights the transformative role of MSMEs in shaping Africa’s agrifood landscape. By harnessing the power of the private sector, we can drive meaningful food systems transformation and achieve sustainable growth. This report provides actionable insights on supporting MSMEs to enhance their impact on food security and economic development.”

Dr. Kalibata also stressed the need for increased collaboration between governments and the private sector to address challenges and unlock new opportunities for sustainable development.

Key Findings and Insights:

The report highlights a shift towards more inclusive agribusiness investments by medium and large-scale agribusinesses. It emphasizes the growing importance of smallholder farmers in enhancing agricultural productivity and food security. Programs offering improved seeds, modern farming techniques, and financial services have been pivotal in increasing smallholders’ yields and income.

The report includes case studies that demonstrate how investments in cash crops, infrastructure, and digital technologies are driving diversification and boosting export growth:

  • Malawi: Investments in groundnut production, with new seed varieties and improved processing capabilities, have bolstered local agriculture and expanded export markets.
  • Nigeria: Strategic investments in the cocoa sector, including modern farming techniques and processing infrastructure, have revitalized the industry.
  • Ghana: Digital platforms like AgroCenta have transformed agriculture by providing farmers with market information, credit access, and input distribution.
  • Kenya: Investment in macadamia nuts and the use of digital platforms for farm management and market access have strengthened the country’s position as a leading exporter.
  • Tanzania: Agro-industrial parks have enhanced food processing and value addition, creating jobs and integrating smallholder farmers into larger value chains.
  • Zambia: Investments in veterinary services, feed production, and market access have driven growth in the livestock sector, improving animal health and expanding export opportunities.

The report also stresses the importance of digital technologies like M-Kulima and M-Pesa in streamlining transactions and enhancing input distribution efficiency. Digital tractor leasing services, such as Hello Tractor, are increasing mechanization accessibility for smallholder farmers, thereby boosting productivity and reducing costs.

Challenges and Recommendations:

While MSMEs play a dominant role in Africa’s food economy, managing around 85% of the agrifood value chains, they face challenges like inadequate infrastructure, limited access to finance, and regulatory barriers. The report recommends targeted investments in infrastructure, improved financial access, and streamlined regulatory processes to address these challenges. It also emphasizes the need for a coordinated agro-industrial policy strategy to support MSMEs and improve their operational environment.

Role of Agro-Industrial Parks and Clusters:

Agro-industrial parks and clusters are highlighted as key tools for addressing infrastructure deficits and providing support services, which can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of agrifood systems. The report concludes by urging governments, development partners, and private sector stakeholders to collaborate in addressing these challenges and seizing growth opportunities.

Impact on Job Creation and Food Security:

MSMEs are major employers in the agrifood sector, providing up to 60% of employment in some regions. They are crucial in ensuring food availability and security by facilitating access to improved technologies and nutritious food products. The report underscores that supporting MSMEs is essential for enhancing food security and stimulating economic growth across Africa.
