Effective Communication Crucial for Maximizing Impact of Global Tech Africa Conference – Olele

Edited By Edson Baraukwa | Africa Guardian

Margaret Obiageli Olele, CEO and Executive Secretary of the American Business Council (ABC), discussed the Council’s mission, the importance of collaboration in driving economic growth and technological innovation in Nigeria, and more in an interview with Kenneth Athekame.

Can you describe the American Business Council’s vision for fostering American business interests in Nigeria?

The American Business Council aims to facilitate and expand trade and investment between Nigeria and the United States, focusing on policy advocacy, trade facilitation, and cross-cultural understanding. Our goal is to create an enabling environment for American businesses to thrive in Nigeria and contribute to the country’s economic transformation through strong partnerships.

How do you view the role of international collaborations, like the Global Tech Africa conference, in advancing economic growth and innovation in Nigeria?

International collaborations are essential for accelerating economic and technological progress. The Global Tech Africa conference serves as a crucial platform for addressing Nigeria’s challenges by connecting the tech sector, government, and private sector. Such collaborations can enhance sectors like healthcare and agriculture, generate jobs, and drive economic growth.

What motivated ABC to sponsor the Global Tech Africa conference, and what outcomes do you hope to achieve?

ABC’s sponsorship stems from our commitment to supporting Nigeria’s digital transformation, a priority for our ICT Committee. By sponsoring this event, we aim to connect the Nigerian tech ecosystem with American businesses, facilitate knowledge sharing, and explore potential partnerships. Our goal is to contribute to Nigeria’s emergence as a leading tech hub in Africa.

What communication strategies are most effective for promoting the Global Tech Africa conference to increase its impact?

Effective communication is key. Utilizing both traditional and digital media through a multi-channel approach will help reach a broad audience. Highlighting the conference’s potential to drive innovation and improve lives, engaging thought leaders, and leveraging social media for discussions and success stories will enhance the conference’s impact.

How do you plan to use your experience with government committees and trade associations to boost collaboration between American businesses and the African tech ecosystem?

My background has provided insights into the dynamics between public and private sectors. At ABC, we will leverage our relationships to foster collaboration between American businesses and the African tech ecosystem. This includes facilitating partnerships, sharing insights, and continuing to build on connections made during the conference.

What are key areas where American businesses can contribute to Africa’s technological and economic development?

American businesses bring advanced technology, innovation, and financial resources that can significantly benefit Africa. Key areas include infrastructure development, fintech innovation, healthcare technology, and education. Examples include AWS’s cloud certification programs, Visa’s Fintech Accelerator, Google’s data-driven healthcare tools, and Zipline’s drone delivery services.

What lessons from your work in healthcare can be applied to the tech sector for sustainable growth?

From my healthcare experience, I’ve learned that public-private partnerships, capacity building, and impact measurement are crucial. These principles apply to the tech sector as well, ensuring sustainable growth by fostering partnerships, investing in skill development, and addressing real-world challenges.

How does the American Business Council build and maintain strong partnerships with local businesses and government entities in Nigeria?

We actively engage with the government to understand priorities, share knowledge with other businesses, advocate for supportive policies, and build trust through consistent delivery. This approach helps create a conducive environment for American businesses in Nigeria.

What challenges might American businesses face in the African tech landscape, and how does ABC plan to address them?

Challenges include complex and inconsistent regulations, infrastructure gaps, and uncertain policies. ABC addresses these by advocating for regulatory reforms, providing market intelligence, and facilitating smoother navigation of the Nigerian market.

What message would you like to convey to stakeholders and participants of the Global Tech Africa conference about the future of American-Nigerian business relations and technological collaboration?

The future is promising. The Global Tech Africa conference provides a platform for stakeholders to explore opportunities and build partnerships. American businesses have the potential to drive Africa’s digital revolution. Let’s seize this chance to create a thriving digital ecosystem that benefits both the United States and Nigeria, unlocking the full potential of Africa’s tech sector.
